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Help Me Grow Testimonials

DJ was referred to HMG DC from Early Stages to address behavioral and learning concerns. A HMG DC Care Coordinator enrolled this family into the program. The caregiver reported that DJ recently completed a special education evaluation and was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The caregiver expressed a desire to get her child ABA services and the barriers faced with having only DC Medicaid. This Care Coordinator informed the caregiver the benefits of applying for the Health Services for Children with Special Needs (HSCSN) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for her child. The Care Coordinator informed the caregiver that it was a process and encouraged her not to give up as it will take time. An information packet on both programs were forwarded to the family. The caregiver was interested in the resources and opportunities offered by HSCSN and SSI benefits. The caregiver started the process of applying for both and ran into some challenges along the journey, but remained steadfast in her pursuit. The caregiver reported that SSI was approved for her child in May 2018 and now the caregiver was eligible to apply for HSCSN. She applied for HSCSN and was approved in July 2018. This case was open for over one year due to the process of applying for SSI and HSCSN; however with the collaboration, support and teamwork, the family was successful with getting the insurance and social security benefits for her child.

***The names have been encrypted to protect the confidentiality of the family***